Everyone is welcome to take photos of our lavender field with your phone. Please tag us on Instagram (@bateslavenderfarm) and use the hashtag #bateslavenderfarm. We love seeing your photos on social media including Instagram, Twitter, TikTok and Facebook. Every year brings more amazing photos and we genuinely love them all.
How to Book Professional Photo Shoots:
We love meeting photographers and look forward to seeing your work on social media. Please tag us on Instagram (@bateslavenderfarm) and use the hashtag #bateslavenderfarm. Photography by guests taken during normal business hours are free of charge—this does not include planned out photography events involving costumes and large groups. Private and professional photography sessions occurring outside of our business hours are $50 per 1-hour session.
If you are taking photos during our regular hours and will be taking photos of groups of people, please stop in the stand for prior authorization and potentially payment.
If you wish to take photographs outside of normal business hours, you must contact us to be granted permission to be on our farm property when it is closed.
Paying fees does not give exclusive rights or access.
Bates Lavender Farm reserves the right to alter this policy or refuse photographer at any time for any reason.
Booking is at the full discretion of Bates Lavender Farm. Refunds are not available. Please contact us at batesnorthwest@icloud.com to request a date and time. You may also call Ginger (503-997-3488) or Kevin (503-997-3487) to set up a date and time for your shoot. We usually recommend before we open or after we close.
During our open hours, we discourage photographic equipment—lighting and props. We also discourage planned out photography on our location with large groups. These events discourage our normal visitors from stopping in.